Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Johnny Reb vs. Billy Yank

The call went out for a Johnny Reb III game a while back so we trotted out the troops for two seasoned players and two rookies with myself facilitating.  The Rebs had an advantage in manpower and some cavalry, the Yankees had the luxury of standing on the defensive, although sans works.

Our new 6x4' game mat from Tiny Wargames and their US distributor.

Initial deployment, both sides had troops start off table.

Fields or crossing fences counted as broken ground, woods were rough.

Turn two the Rebs flooded on table.

The Confederates with proper lines and supports advanced.

The carnage will soon begin.

Aggressive yankees flank the Rebel line but are out of command.

On the Reb left the cavalry begins to filter through the woods.

As so often happens, one side's dice were hot while the other was not.

Against all odds a charge goes home!
A supported charge by a brigade had the misfortune to hit the Yankees with perfect orders and hot dice.  Seemingly doomed to failure they passed the first three tests and rolled "boxcars" on the last which is immediate good morale in any formation.  Even with all the losses they still had a mathematical chance of success, but alas they had used up their luck.

The Rebs are having a tough time everywhere.

Things are better on the Reb left, but still offer few chances.

A last view as the Rebs begin to pull back.

A fun time for all in spite of the harsh dice.  A good intro for the new players and a refresher for the old-timers.  I see more games in the future.


  1. It looks like you need a lot more trees on the battlefield.

    1. In Johnny Reb ground scale we are representing less than a two mile frontage. While I've only visited a few ACW battlefields out east, I have seen fields like this.

  2. A lovely table and a great looking game Michael!
