For your consideration, a very picture heavy report on our refight of Auerstadt in 1806 between Marechal Davout's corps and the bulk of the Prussian army under the King and Duke of Brunswick. Historically a shocking victory for the heavily outnumbered Davout, though at a heavy cost in men.
Our game arose from my desire to get most of my 1806 army on the table and Paul's willingness to prepare a corps from the French "glory years." After a few months of prep, we were ready to throw down. Rules are our favorite, Empire by Scotty Bowden which some of us have been playing in various editions for 40 years.
The French will be arriving here, marching from Bad Kosen to Hassenhausen. Believing they will fall upon the Prussians facing Napoleon elsewhere that day. |
Hassenhausen up on the ridge with select other villages represented. I expected most of the fighting to occur hereabouts. |
Some Prussians would start on table, the bulk would arrive on or near this road. |
Prussian Advance Guard under Blucher and a column under Schmettau advance during Grand Tactical movement. |
Our Advance Guard with 4 Hussar regiments and 4 battalions. |
Gudin's Division arrives and marches across terrain that is cosmetic in effect. |
A long way to Hassenhausen, but at least no Prussians in sight, right? |
We lumber into sight of each other. Infantry MEs had to be on Maneuver orders, the cavalry could be a bit more aggressive. |
Schmettau was headed for town, with his attached cavalry brigade swinging left. |
Contact! |
The leading Hussars charge as the French calmly form square. |
And are broken on a small chance roll! |
The French cavalry arrive after being delayed while stealing horses. |
Wartensleben slowly advances. |
Gudin's Division takes a beating from the Prussian cavalry but hangs on. As a special rule, Davout could attach himself after Grand Tactical movement to any ME within range to reflect the fact he was everywhere that day.
Morand's division arrives and takes the right flank. |
The Advance Guard holds off the French light cavalry, but are stymied. |
A greatly reduced Gudin. |
Okay, I got lazy as the Prince of Orange and the Duke of Brunswick hit the table. |
The last French division arrives, with some fatigue as they have been force-marching all morning. |
French, ready to take the fight to the enemy. En avant! |
From the look on my face you'd think we were losing. |
A daunting number of Class I French cannons. |
The Prince of Orange edges into view as the Advance Guard decides it is safe to come out of square. |
Wartensleben advances on the Prussian left since Schmettau is pretty chewed up.
Prussian Gendarmes and Garde du Corps. |
The three battalions and guns on the left are all that remain from Gudin's Division. |
The French all seem to drift to the right and start to get in each others way. |
Blucher leads the Advance Guard in a Break-off to rest, rally and recover fatigue. This clears the way for the Prince of Orange. |
An effective but slow advance on the French right. |
Crunch 'n munch time as both sides take losses. |
The Prince is engaged, making short work of Gudin and the fatigued French light cavalry. |
Wartensleben bends, but does not break. |
Kind of sums up much of the day. |
The door begins to swing onto the French flank. |
Schmettau and Wartensleben have been seriously hurt but the Prussian infantry holds on. |
Blucher rests and recovers some fatigue and half of a previously routed unit. They will ride to the left. |
And so, after two sessions Davout conceded the field to the Prussians, who were too battered and slow to mount an effective pursuit. In eight real hours we played six hourly rounds which for the number of troops involved is pretty dang good. Six players on Saturday and five on Sunday had a unique experience marching, maneuvering and reacting. All told a satisfying experience.
Finally, from my 200th anniversary reenactment experience at Jena in 2006 (on the French side).
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