Monday, May 15, 2023

Last Alliance vs. Mordor

Elements of our Middle Earth Strategy Battle Games mustered the forces of the Last Alliance to stop the advance of the Witch King of Angmar and Gothmog's Orc and Uruk-Hai host.  Each side fielded 500 (I think) points, the mission was Annihilation and I commanded the Mordor army. 

The spear of Gil-Galad and the sword of Earendil ready their warriors.

Tabletop view, with "evil" arrayed on the right.

Paul does excellent work on his figures.

Orcs and an armored troll rumble up the middle while
the Witch King and his Morgul Knights flank.

And just like that, my troll goes down in a hail of 
Elven arrows.

After yielding ground, the Alliance takes the brunt of
the charge.

Orcs swarmed the archers and decimated them with
hot dice.

Swirling melee with magic flying.

Judging the timing is right, the Knights rush in.

Gothmog has two wounds but stays in the fight.

The Elven archers are wiped out as some Mordor Uruk-Hai
battle warriors in the distance.

The Morgul Blade is worth the points and Gil-Galad,
out of fate, goes down.

The Last Alliance was shattered at this point and the game ended.  Always a pleasure to play with and against a talented gentleman.  Thanks for the game.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent recount of the fall of Gilgalad. Sorrow will forever touch the songs of his kin.
