Thursday, April 2, 2015

Seven Years War Association Convention - 2015

March 27-28th in South Bend, IN 102 enthusiasts gathered to celebrate all things 18th century.  ;-)  Every hour saw a fine selection of land and naval games to be had.  One of things that struck me most was not the beautiful figures or the creative scenery, but the friendliness of the games.  Now I only played in three, but I never saw any sign of "that guy" or any of his associates.  Everything was collegiale and upbeat.

Scenes from the Battle of Bungerpat.  A series of loosely connected games over the years in which a steady string of French/Allied victories have driven the British and their lackeys from India.  Now, in a desperate attempt to eliminate the Bungerite Cult, they have returned in strength.

So many elaborate games with nifty terrain and systems to eliminate book-keeping.

A view of the main hall.  Something like 9,000 sq. feet of space for gamers, vendors and people just looking to converse or relax.

A lot of naval games were featured, a refreshing change in my mind.  I played in one game (write-up to follow) and there were many more to choose from.

I don't have any scientific data to support me, but it seemed like a high number of games featured Russians as the main opponent.

Games featured 10mm, 15mm, 28mm and 40mm figures over the weekend.  All ones I'd be proud to have in my collection.

The skirmish level games tended to feature the most elaborate terrain.  Eye candy all around.

And of course the grand finale, the talk by Professor Christopher Duffy on Culloden and the recent attempts at restoring the battlefield.  Always filled with interesting facts and pithy remarks, it is not to be missed.

Next year the convention returns to the Waterford Estates on March 31-April 1st, 2016.  I've made my arrangements, I encourage you to make yours.  For just a $25 fee for the weekend it is a bargain.


  1. Great pictures Mike,sorry the French lost ,they lost sight of the objective. Take care the both of you.

  2. Thank you Michael. I appreciate the report and images.
    Bill P.

  3. Nice review of the convention Mike. I would also add that I think you have a nice looking blog site

  4. Was there a Mitchell Cup winner this year?

    1. Yes, I believe it was the "Get them Wagons Runnin'" AWI skirmish game by Herb Gundt and Tom Osborn.
