Monday, May 26, 2014

Battle of Hamelburg

As the Seven Years War ramps up (again) we find ourselves transported to Westphalia to find the French confronting the British and their allies.  You may read a full retelling of the battle on the host's blog  So as a cavalry brigadier I will limit myself to remarks about the part of the battle I could see or influence.  Rules are Batailles des Ancien Regimes, figure ration is 10:1 and we had the center table with a back table in play on both sides.  Click to enlarge pictures.

My command of valiant cavaliers.

What we could see of the enemy center.

The crossroads with a gathering of glitterati.

The enemy cavalry, outnumbered, yields the field to us.

As we form line of battle, they ride away.  Most curious.

Now there must be a story here...

Sweeping forward the enemy is pinned against the town.

New reinforcements appear but they lack room to deploy.

Our army presses against the hinge we have created.

Our numbers begin to tell.  Artillery trophies are taken.
At this point both sides have received reinforcements from all quarters of the table.  While the sides are relatively even, the French had lost the center position on the ridge and were in danger of getting crushed against the town, which greatly hindered their deployment.  Meanwhile our heavy cavalry was arriving and racing up behind may lights.  Thus far my brigade had not taken a casualty.  We had not engaged in melee but were instrumental in maneuvering the enemy into a bad position.

Looking down the center table from my vantage point.

Everywhere we pressed them and everywhere they slowly withdrew.  Although one over-zealous battalion of ours was routed off the French risked being cut off.  So they withdrew from the field with honors to their colors.


  1. Nicely played Michael . Yes, once a hinge or salient is created, that usually decides who will win the battle.

  2. Very nice, love the pictures and the write-up...

  3. Thank you Michael,
    I appreciate seeing the photos, captions and remarks.
    Cheers for you mon ami,

  4. Impressive. Forgive my ignorance, but what are the cavalry regiments you commanded, please? I like the look of the hussars "bosniak/lancer" troops .
    Best wishes

  5. The troopers were on loan from others but I recall that the von Kleist hussars and dragoons were present. Others were just labeled hussars or lancers though I believe the lancers were indeed the Bosniaks.
