Flames of War in the Pacific. The source books are 3rd edition so a bit of tweaking and finagling was required. I used a blank template and made up cards for the troops I own and were using.
The Marines had two rifle platoons, upgraded to Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) teams. An assault section with flamethrowers and bazookas was split between the two. A 1917 HMG platoon added to the suppression base, as were four 81mm mortars and a pair of 37mm ATGs. The BAR platoons had a section of Amtracs attached. In support were a trio of M5 Stuarts and three LVT(4)1 Amtracs with a 75mm gun. Finally, a pair of Corsairs flew air support.
The Japanese were a fortified company so trenches, MG nests, wire and minefields abounded. Two platoons were purchased with upgrades to both. A pillbox for each in place of the MG nest and a 47mm ATG in one. A pair of 81mm mortars, four 75mm howitzers, two 20mm AAA and three Shinoto "tanks" rounded out their support. Just under 2100 LW points. "No Retreat" was appropriately rolled as the mission. This had the unfortunate effect though of requiring a substantial deep reserve force. Since the fortifications had to start on table, it meant the 75s, AAA and tanks were in reserve. The USMC got to start with everything.
Jumping off positions from the USMC point of view. |
Part of the Japanese deployment. A minefield covers one objective. |
Platoons on the left and center, Stuarts on the right. |
My 3D printed Corsairs. The showed up EVERY turn, though mostly just kept key Japanese units pinned. |
The center seemed the most vulnerable, so after prep the Marines assaulted successfully. |
Japanese reserves roll on, though a Corsair took out a tank. |
The look of a failed assault. |
With a good skill test value and not wanting the other Marines to get all the glory I assaulted through the wire and minefield. On the second try we got in but the Japanese counter attack threw the remnants out, seen here on the hill.
Stuarts on the objective so the Japanese assault. Banzai! |
But 15 MGs and some supporting fire turn them away. |
And it was over on Turn Six. We have played only a few games set in the PTO but all the games have been nail-biters that went down to the wire. If the Japanese artillery could have started on table I believe it would have played a lot differently, but the mission requirements said otherwise. Since it is unlikely I'll see Battlefront return to the Pacific in my lifetime I've continued to make up cards to make it as simple as possible for us. I categorically refuse to switch back and forth between 3rd and 4th edition. Too confusing for the old.... veteran player.