The invasion and attempted annexation of Rondovia by the militant nation Latveria has not gone well so far. Despite easy (foregone?) wins early and holding the Arsenal, defeat at the Battle of Four Bridges left them needing a win to continue. At the beginning of the campaign we were asked to allocate forces for the coming battles. As fate would have it, the Latverians are attacking a superior force in this critical battle. Three Litharusian regiments of 60 figures each combine with the Rondovian Augsburg regiment of 48 and the Grafenwhor light battalion of 30. This against three Latverian regiments of 60 each and the glorified brigands known as the Grey Foxes. Each side has four squadrons of cavalry but the allies have three of cuirassiers, while the invaders only have two armored squadrons. Finally, a Rondovian medium gun rounds out the order of battle. Rules are "Batailles de l'Ancien Regime" (BAR) by Bill Protz. Release the hounds of war!
The allies wait while the lights scout forward. |
"For whom the bell (tower) tolls." |
The invaders got to see our deployment, then march on table. |
On our left the Phull Cuirassiers immediately charge and melee. |
In BAR potential casualties are plentiful but saving throws can negate them. In the above match-up between Rondovian cuirassiers and Latverian hussars, it should be an easy win for the heavies. Better numbers in the melee coupled with a superior save, 3+ on a d6 vs. 4+ for the hussars, make the cuirassiers the odds-on favorite. But, that's why we use dice.
The cuirassiers are thrown back, but pass morale. |
It was a tough day for morale tests. I do not believe a single infantry unit passed a morale throw. Only the cavalry (sometimes) knew how to make a successful test.
As usual, the Latverians got the early first fires and together with
a trumping joker inflicted a lot of potential casualties. |
All day my saves were either unreasonably high or unreasonably low. So I suppose they balanced out in the end, but early on when it mattered most my dice were on fire.
"Run away! Run away!" |
The Rondovian lights, with their only shot of the game scattered some Latverian hussars, only to be charged by cuirassiers. In open order they had no chance of standing so successfully evaded. Round two of the melee had the cuirassiers push the hussars back, but their morale held. Only one more round of melee is possible.
Abysmal saves by the Latverian commander made the first of
several infantry regiments on both sides rout. |
Hack 'n slash, hack 'n slash. |
Now it the turn of a Litharusian unit to have to test and of course
rout. A reserve unit filled the gap. |
The Rondovian infantry, sensing an opportunity, advance without
orders. |
Now we came to the critical point. Each side has lost an infantry regiment on the right and all are damaged. Each side has had some cavalry rout. But, the allies have been given a joker by the deck of cards, so a critical first fire is ensured.
Routing the Lilienberg hussars, the cuirassiers pursue, catch
and destroy them. |
The melee continues as the Rondovian infantry advances and the
lights reorder behind them. |
We all assumed that the odds would catch up to the hussars, but the third round of melee saw them win again and the Rondovian cuirassiers, below 50% strength, could not stand. Elsewhere the Latverian cuirassiers showed how it was done by routing Rondovian hussars and catching them in pursuit.
The remaining Rondovian cuirassiers have had enough and rout. |
Confident, the Litharusian brigade comes to grips with the enemy. |
As the Litharusian infantry advanced, their two cuirassier squadrons maneuvered to charge and put an end to things. On the other wing the Rondovian infantry and 2nd Battery put the final touch on an enemy regiment, which forced to test morale, routed.
Rondovian front is cleared, cuirassiers are ready to charge. The
lights have reformed and protect their backs. |
General Gogal and his AdC have reason to be pleased. General
Orlov will be denied his chance to charge with the heavies. |
It was now two shot-up Litharusian regiments and the fresh Rondovian infantry against one line and the small light battalion. The Litharusian regiment that routed, who will remain un-named to protect their honor, rallied in the midst of Cressey amid the whistles and jeers of the populace. The Latverian cavalry was either routed, retreating, or far removed from the main battleground. So their commander ordered a retreat. If there was another battle to follow we would have vigorously pursued and perhaps captured or destroyed them. But there was no reason to shed more Litharusian blood for Rondovia, so we let them go.
In the days that followed the battered Latverian army limped home, only modestly pursued by the victors, happy instead just to see them go. The only combat now was diplomatic in nature as Count Lippe of Litharus went to work to secure the future. In the end, the final treaty ensured that Rondovia would come under the protection of Litharus while retaining its independence. Litharus will provide garrisons as requested to guarantee the security of Rondovia and the Rondovia military will serve with Litharus in time of need. The question of war reparations and the store of missing gunpowder from the arsenal were left for another day.