Last weekend I went to What-Khan (formerly Rock Con) in Rockford, IL with Bob Rondou. Held in a giant sports center it was nice to return to the con after missing the last couple of years. It was combined with NavCon which was a welcome addition for us. I think attendance and participation would have been down without the addition. Next year they are moving to a new facility and returning to the name Rock Con. Right now I certainly plan to be there.
Now to pictures and some game talk.
Islandawhana 1879 |
Set up Friday, but not played till Saturday afternoon. |
Team Yankee before the Friday session starts. |
I was happy to get in a Naval Thunder WWII game set in the Mediterranean. A historic scenario I've played before, this time from the British side.
Battle of Spartivente using 1/2400 miniatures. |
The blue pipe cleaners cleverly indicate evasive maneuvers. |
We (I) lost the Renown, but we sank three Italian heavy cruisers. |
Lots of very attractive games going on. Friday night was busy on the game floor, though the vendors said it was pretty quiet for them.
Clear for Action |
Star Wars I'd guess by the ships. |
Saturday AM Bob and I signed up for the Team Yankee game. We do a lot of Flames of War and the "once a year" mini-campaign around Fulda Gap. I ended up on the Soviet side and as a "newbie" they gave me twenty T-72s to run. Bob had a mech company with some tank support.
Team Yankee game after the Friday session. Yarn indicates
starting positions. |
Some other Saturday morning games. Tables were full of players and no shortage of choices.
All Quiet on the Martian Front. |
Pegasus Bridge. |
Things went pretty much as usual in Team Yankee. Americans kill anything they hit and survive most attacks. Facing seven Abrams, four light vehicles, two Cobras and two Warthogs I was lucky to "only" lose eleven of my T-72s. In return we collectively killed three Abrams, a Cobra, a Warthog and two light vehicles. At the end the ref realized he had given the wrong value for an Abrams armor. In his words I would have killed two more Abrams and lost four few T-72s.
Making progress. The Soviets were awarded a tactical victory. |
Saturday afternoon I played in Mike Husky's "To the Strongest" game. Not sure why I didn't get any pictures. I was a Roman facing barbarian hordes. After a poor set up and a hard fight, we collapsed in a heap. Saturday night wasn't a thrilling set of game choices, so I ended up in a Wings of Glory game. Traditionally it isn't a good game for me. I'm an ace pilot in "Red Baron," but something about this game eludes me. Happily it was a fun-loving group of players and the ref kept things running fast, so when I was inevitably shot down I still had fun.
Wings of Glory. I was shot down as usual. |
Sunday morning Bob and I played in another "To the Strongest" game. This time in God's True Scale, 28mm. Just gorgeous figures by Paul Scrivens-Smith. Lots of flying games and RPGs, but very few others.
To the Strongest! Spanish (think El Cid) vs. Berbers. |
Just amazing figures. |
The Magnificent Seven using A Fistful of Miniatures. |
Locked in deadly combat. A simple system, but with a lot of
dramatic tension. |
As was the theme for the weekend, my side lost. |
Overall, my side didn't fare well over the weekend. Clear losers in three games, a tie in another and a tactical victory for the Soviets. But the con team and their minions were great, gamers and refs were positive and many bargains were had. Out by 1:00 we were home again by five. I did well with the vendors and silent auction, filling some needs and also scoring this curiosity:
Are these Spencers? |
There are around 200 of htem. About the same height as a Foundry figure, but much slimmer. Hard plastics and truly painted as Imagi-Nation armies. Besides the pictured there are pioneers, gunners, sailors and lots of musket armed soldiers. For the price, well worth it. Rock on!