No, not a Bob Hope and Bing Crosby movie (God, I'm old) but a skirmish in Spain, c. 1810.
The British under Sir Henry Simmerson and Spanish under Captain Morillo set an ambush for the French convoy coming up the road. The French, tied to the road had to deploy in the spot where the allies planned to spring their ambush.
The game system, Tirailleurs en Grande Bandes is my own card activated game. Each unit has two cards in the deck and on any card they can perform one action (move, fire, reload, etc.) or hold it to respond to a charge or similar emergency situation. Two jokers are also in the deck. When drawn the gifted CO can choose one unit to receive an extra action. A game changer in today's encounter.
The French had an escort of 17 dragoons, 20 grenadiers, 26 legere, and three units of 26 fusiliers each and four wagons. The allies had 18 Spanish dragoons, 10 British hussars, 27 British line, 18 Spanish grenadiers, 25 Spanish lights, and 30 Spanish guerrillas.
Starting positions, prior to the first card being drawn. |
Appearing from cover in the French rear, Spanish dragoons. |
French dragoons advance on Spanish grenadiers, pay for it. |
French legere find a mass of Spanish guerrillas in hiding. |
After taking a volley on a joker, the French charge! |
The grenadiers decimate the now dismounted dragoons. |
The French fail to break the British, who will now wrap around. |
Though out-numbered the legere charge home against the guerrillas. |
The dragoons remount to be hit by British hussars. Everyone
routs, cavalry and French infantry. |
Scene of the disaster and now uncovered convoy. |
Rally attempts fail and the rout continues. |
Having destroyed the guerrillas the legere see an escape rout. |
Necessary since the Spanish lights and dragoons have closed the road. |
Two untouched units form the rear-guard. |
Final tally, French dragoons, grenadiers and line platoons routed. Spanish guerrillas and British hussars routed. The wagons, never good at cross-country are exposed and easy prey. In one pass through the deck the allies got both jokers and wise use of them ensured the win. Though it was an ambush situation the use of cards meant that the French had most of the early actions to react. The game was over in two hours. Which I guess is a desirable outcome these days.