Monday, September 23, 2013

Sons and Guns

The plan was to give some table time to our new/old collections of American Revolution figures and have another play test of Guns of Liberty 2nd Edition.  We only accomplished half the objectives, but had fun along the way.  Click the pictures below to enlarge them.

So with four Rebel brigades facing three British/Hessian (Prussians really) we rolled off to see who placed a brigade at a time.  Then we had at it across the generic table.  Somewhere along here we noticed that the QRS for the rules set Paul had bought were different than mine.  Unsure of which was most current we deferred to Paul's version, noting it was similar but quite different.

On the Crown forces side we had a light and loyalist brigade with two converged light battalions, Butler's Rangers, and a basic loyalist unit along with the American Legion cavalry.  The center had the 17th, 33rd, 44th, 54th, and 60th regiments of foot with highly variable size.  The right had a pair of mercenary musketeer units along with two converged grenadier battalions.  Four 6 pound guns scattered along the line completed the roster.

The rebels had a large proportion of Continental regulars, some state troops, two light battalions, a rifles battalion, one militia battalion, two light dragoon regiments and four guns.  Numbers were roughly even with a slight numeric edge to the rebels, but quality to the Crown.

The Crown forces started out with the idea of holding the center, attacking on the right and launching a delayed attack on the left.  The rebels seemed intent on advancing across the front.  Action quickly became general across the front.  After a few times of "wow, they really changed a lot" and "I'm not sure I like this difference" we discovered that Paul had brought "Sons of Liberty" instead of "Gun of Liberty."  But being a half dozen turns into the game we just soldiered on.  (pun intended)

The marksmanship of the British lights gave an edge on the left.  A cavalry charge was repulsed by the loyalists.  The center slowly came together and the firing seemed to slightly favor the Redcoats.  On the right the superior numbers of rebels allowed them to gradually turn our flank as troops were stripped from the center to strengthen their attack.  Judging the bayonet to be their friend, the British initiated a series of melees.  The grenadiers in particular were effective. 

Despite a routing light battalion, the British were slowly pressing forward on the left.  In the center the redcoats were beginning to come to grips with the enemy and the grenadiers, despite getting hit in the flank, were able to turn and defeat them in turn.  Wanting to preserve the army for another day the rebels began to disengage and yielded the field to the British.

We all agreed that Sons of Liberty was not our game of choice and will try Guns of Liberty again in the near future.  Especially since Paul and I are painting up even more forces. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

End of Summer Activity

Not much gaming lately and less blogging.  So since you've no doubt wondered, "what's up with Michael?" I thought I'd bring you up to date.  :-) 

After gaming my biggest hobby is historic reenacting.  With school starting we knew we were going to have little time so we decided to cram as many events as possible into the mix.

End of July - Rendezvous on the Sault; Sault Ste. Marie, MI
The "Hard Core Four" - Phillip, me, "Gilbert" and Michel
I found myself acting as sergeant for the combined French forces
With la Compagnie Franche de la Marine du Fort la Jonquiere.  This was a fun little event for us despite the tornado that came entirely too close Friday night.  The event was all French, so with no British there to tell us what we were doing wrong, it was quite enjoyable.  Definitely a candidate for going back next year.

First weekend of August - Pike River Rendezvous; Kenosha, WI
With pomp and circumstance as we search for our mid-day meal

"What do you mean, more!?"
Your standard Rendezvous that thoroughly enjoys having our Napoleonic era 21e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne attend.  We even made the front page of their Sunday paper.  Besides a lot of drill and marching about, we chased pirates and enjoyed meals and merriment with the Black Horse Inn. 

Mid-August - Tall Ships Festival; Green Bay, WI
The USS Niagara provides the backdrop

"Come cheer up me lads, tis to glory we steer...."
We were invited to be part of the "color" for the Tall Ships gathering at Green Bay.  Many familiar and some new tall ships came in.  As the lines were long and hot, I just cruised along representing the Royal Navy as HMS Nancy (1812) while engaging the public in music and jokes.  A good time and no camping!

Last weekend of August - Pioneer Village; Freedonia, WI
"Disperse ye rebels!"

His Majesty's 55th RoF
Since joining the 55th Regt. of Foote we have enjoyed a small number of semi-local events.  We weren't able to go to go with them out east to Colonial Williamsburg so we try not to miss the close ones.  The 55th is a very active group when out, always running a skit if not drilling or engaging the public in conversation.  My kind of people.

So finally, to complete the five events in six weeks run, we finally get to wear the same uniform again at:
Last weekend - Platteville Historic Encampment; Platteville, WI
The Troopes des Colonie, wondering where the artillerists had wandered off to. 
Our colors in the background.

The infantry tents.  Not pictured, the family wall tents and the Captain marquee
This is an educational opportunity for our unit.  No opposed tacticals, but a school day, city parade, and various demos all weekend.  The Saturday evening fare was especially enjoyable as it finally cooled down a bit and the music, song and adult beverages flowed freely.  A good ending to the run.

Now we have two whole weekends off before our last event in North America this year.  I have to word it that way because in October we go to Germany for the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Leipzig, the Battle of Nations.

So that's what I've been doing on weekends.  You?