Saturday, May 5, 2018

Fading Thunder - 1865

In March of 1865 the CSS Stonewall made a run for the South, scaring off two much larger Union warships covering her without a fight and disappeared into the Atlantic.  As it happened, a leak delayed her until she put into Havana to learn the war was over.  In our scenario she has run into Port Royal, SC destroying some wooden Union ships along the way with little damage.  She then replenishes and sorties with a blockade runner and the wooden warships available.  For their part the Union Navy has summoned armored ships and prepares to oppose her with the USS Onondaga, Passaic, Tecumseh (one of several ships resurrected for our game) and Varuna.  The Stonewall, seeking to escape for commerce raiding, Banshee (runner) and gunboats Selma, Gaines, Chattahoochee and Fort Morgan are prepared to fight it out.

The Confederate "fleet" flanked by supporting shore batteries.

The blockaders await.

The Stonewall (left) and Banshee (right) hang back at first.  Each
ship has a turn-arc rating based on size and speed.

A miss, but  demonstration of the range of the Stonewall's 300pdr.

Each side's plans become fairly apparent.  The cottonclads suffer.

A lucky hit on a gun shutter takes out a gun on the Passaic.

The Selma is ravaged by shot and shell.
Damage control does their jobs but others burn.

The Banshee tries to act inconspicuous and slip out.

The Stonewall has a turret which fires every turn.

Rams were common, damage was not.  Here the Selma glances off.

"Nothing to see, don't mind me, just passing through."

The Chattahoochee sank quickly though the others gamely fight on.
The Varuna was rammed twice, once by the Stonewall and sank.  The Onondaga and Passaic each lost a gun through a gun port being hit, and some damage had been taken, but all three could still fight.  The Banshee received one broadside that did no critical damage and escaped the short-ranged Union ships.  The Stonewall danced for a time beyond the range of most of the Union guns, but as her mission was to escape and since damage had been received, she headed for the open sea.  The Union monitors helpless to do more than watch.

As it happened, the Union plan was to concentrate on eliminating the Confederate gunboats first then concentrate on the Stonewall.  In that they were successful, only a badly damaged Fort Morgan returning, albeit heavily damaged.  However it made the Confederate plan fairly easy and escape possible.

Rules were Steam and Black Powder by Neil Stokes, ships are 1/600 and a mix of Thoroughbred, Bay Area Shipyards and homemade models.  A very playable and fun set of rules that is easy to pick up.


  1. A nice looking game with beautiful ships, very tempting!

  2. Really fun day, our gaming group is the best!
